Using Web3 to empower social recognition for impact

Social recognition

A global leading impact & participation proof business.

Global impact

Mirai for Impact?

Our goal is to empower users to connect on the blockchain through verifying their impact & participation status, enabling them to be recognised for their hard work & make a lasting difference.
About US

Enabling the power of impact

Impact & Participation Verification

Using blockchain technology, every participation is minted through smart contracts on the Polygon blockchain. These ERC-721 tokens become verifiable and immutable proof of record for every experience.

Impact Tracking

Data capturing and reporting are essential for organisations to better realise the impact metrics and real users engagement. Our solution is participant-centric, designed to empower end-users in making real-time tracking possible. Organisations also have the ability to customise impact criteria upon experience creation.


Applying game-design elements in social impact can improve users' engagement and in making their journey more “fun”. Each experience can be gamified in our ecosystem, leading to new experience and awareness of your organisation’s brand and social mission.

Mirai Impact Passport Cover
Impact Passport Badges
Mirai Impact Passport
Your dedicated
passport of impact

About Us

Mirai Society is a pioneering service provider on proof of impact participation, with the aim to improve social transparency and accountability for global sustainability and impact initiatives. Our team strives to develop innovative solutions to achieve societal and organisational sustainability goals. We welcome synergistic parties to be a part of our future where all social experiences and progressions are recognised globally.

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Mirai Society